合伙人导师 Kim 也曾是我的老师,她是我学生时代最感激的老师之一。
合伙人导师 Kim 也曾是我的老师,她是我学生时代最感激的老师之一。

以下文字整理自 Kim 和我的一次谈话,将以第一人称复述Kim的故事。
我在美国密歇根州长大,并就读于密歇根大学,主修社区关系辅修社会学。那时候,我计划以后在倡导公平的非营利组织或地方政府工作。然而,大三期间在印度的实习经历让我开始怀疑非营利组织工作中的动机和制度里无法征服的挑战。这对我来说是一个关键的经历。毕业后,我暂时偏离了原本计划的职业和学术路径,搬到韩国教英语 —— 我想看到自己如何在一个既能帮助他人又符合自己的个人价值观的岗位上工作。我选择了海外教学,因为我觉得这对我来说是一个很好的选择,而且我一直对体验新文化充满热情。所以对我来说这是双赢的。
World Awaits 的成立
2015年,我当时的未婚夫要去智利工作。我决定将我的留学咨询工作转为线上,并成立了我的教育品牌 World Awaits,专注于国际学生。我觉得这个决定很大程度上源于我对教育平等承诺—我知道虽然美国学生在大学招生方面有各种各样的支持,国际学生往往没有。我在南美和格鲁吉亚有一些资源,但我也意识到需要为自己寻找其他客户来源。当时了解到有很多中国学生在美国学习,我就特别想和中国的学生群体建立联系。现在,我大约50%的客户是中国人,其余是美国人和格鲁吉亚人。
关于我的 Fun facts
客户经常告诉我,我给了他们信心。我经常看到中国客户缺乏自信 —— 尽管在我看来他们有技能、有兴趣、有独特的视角。我喜欢帮助他们认识到自己的长处并建立信心。我也非常愿意参与他们的生活中。他们不仅仅是我的客户;我真的希望看到他们成功,并会尽我所能帮助他们实现目标。在大学招生过程结束后,得知他们的申请结果、奖学金结果时是最美好的时刻。

Core Values & Career Life
Equality has been a guiding theme/value throughout my life. When I ask my students to identify their "whys," I emphasize the importance of understanding one's values. For me, equality is paramount. It shapes how I view the world and has influenced every step of my career.
I grew up in Michigan and attended the University of Michigan, majoring in community relations and minoring in sociology. At that time, I planned to work in an equity-focused non-profit or local government. However, an internship in India during my junior year made me question the underlying motives and inherent challenges within non-profit work. It was a pivotal experience for me. After graduating, I took a little detour from what I planned would be my next career/academic step and moved to South Korea to teach English—I needed to figure out how I saw myself working in a role that would allow me to help and work with others, as well as tied into my personal value(s). I settled on teaching abroad because I felt it could be a great option for me, and I’ve always been very driven to experiencing new cultures. So it was win-win for me.
In S. Korea, I was fortunate to be given substantial responsibility, largely due to my boss, the only woman in the Department of Education who, I believe, saw me as an ally as well as someone who could help her advance her own career. She made me one of only five people nationwide tasked with developing a new program, English Town. I developed the program from the ground up, including curriculum, design, logistics, etc. Two years later, my program was rated the best, and it was replicated across the country. My curriculum was published in teacher and student versions, and I wrote various chapters for college-level English education textbooks. Also, oddly, I also became the female voice for the national oral English exams (last I heard, my recordings are still being played twice per year in all classrooms).
This experience solidified my desire to work in education, but I knew that I didn't want to be a classroom teacher. I returned to the U.S. and pursued a Master's in Education at the University of Colorado. Towards the end of my program, I began working as a college/high school counselor for juvenile inmates, helping them prepare for the GED, ACT, SAT, and college readiness. I love-loved this job; it aligned with my value of equality, as I worked to ensure these students had the same opportunities as their peers. Unfortunately, my boss left after a couple years, and the new guy was an absolute asshole. So I pivot…
To Denver Center for International Studies (a specialized HS through Denver Public Schools), where I guided students through the college application process, prepped ACT, and taught English and a college preparedness course through the community college.
World Awaits
In 2015, my then-fiancé was asked to move to Chile for work. I decided to take my college consulting work online, with a focus on international students. I feel this decision largely stemmed from my commitment to equality as well—I knew that while U.S. students had (varied) support in college admissions, international students often did not. I had a bit of a base in this area through connections (S. America and Georgia), but I also recognized the need to give myself other avenues for clients. Knowing how many students from China study in the US, I decided to target it. Now, about 50% of my clients are Chinese, and the rest are American, Georgian.
Over the years, I've guided students through applications to a wide range of schools, from Ivy League universities to community colleges. I particularly enjoy working on transfer applications because it’s nice to give students a second chance. Plus those students tend to be more mature and focused on what they want, which makes for stronger relationships with them and stronger apps.
Fun Facts
MBTI: I am an ENTJ.
Books: My favorite book is The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. I read it during my time in India, a pivotal moment in my life, and it’s forever tied to that experience. My husband even gave me a signed copy as part of his marriage proposal. Perhaps interestingly (?) I often reference it during object-based brainstorming sessions with my students.
Cooking: I like to kick my family out of the kitchen, listen to jazz music, and drink red wine while I cook. It’s meditative.
Halloween: I host a Halloween party every year. I am already planning this year's, and, in fact, should have some decorations coming today from Amazon. This year’s theme is The Shining. My husband thinks I’m crazy for this.
Feedback: Clients often tell me that I give them confidence. Something I frequently see from my Chinese clients is a lack of self-assurance—despite their skills, interests, unique perspectives. I enjoy helping them recognize their strengths and build their confidence. I’m also very available and genuinely invested in their lives. They’re not just clients to me; I truly want to see them succeed and will do whatever I can to help them get there. Learning about their results, scholarships, opportunities, etc. after the college admissions process is through is the best.
以下文字整理自 Kim 和我的一次谈话,将以第一人称复述Kim的故事。
我在美国密歇根州长大,并就读于密歇根大学,主修社区关系辅修社会学。那时候,我计划以后在倡导公平的非营利组织或地方政府工作。然而,大三期间在印度的实习经历让我开始怀疑非营利组织工作中的动机和制度里无法征服的挑战。这对我来说是一个关键的经历。毕业后,我暂时偏离了原本计划的职业和学术路径,搬到韩国教英语 —— 我想看到自己如何在一个既能帮助他人又符合自己的个人价值观的岗位上工作。我选择了海外教学,因为我觉得这对我来说是一个很好的选择,而且我一直对体验新文化充满热情。所以对我来说这是双赢的。
World Awaits 的成立
2015年,我当时的未婚夫要去智利工作。我决定将我的留学咨询工作转为线上,并成立了我的教育品牌 World Awaits,专注于国际学生。我觉得这个决定很大程度上源于我对教育平等承诺—我知道虽然美国学生在大学招生方面有各种各样的支持,国际学生往往没有。我在南美和格鲁吉亚有一些资源,但我也意识到需要为自己寻找其他客户来源。当时了解到有很多中国学生在美国学习,我就特别想和中国的学生群体建立联系。现在,我大约50%的客户是中国人,其余是美国人和格鲁吉亚人。
关于我的 Fun facts
客户经常告诉我,我给了他们信心。我经常看到中国客户缺乏自信 —— 尽管在我看来他们有技能、有兴趣、有独特的视角。我喜欢帮助他们认识到自己的长处并建立信心。我也非常愿意参与他们的生活中。他们不仅仅是我的客户;我真的希望看到他们成功,并会尽我所能帮助他们实现目标。在大学招生过程结束后,得知他们的申请结果、奖学金结果时是最美好的时刻。

Core Values & Career Life
Equality has been a guiding theme/value throughout my life. When I ask my students to identify their "whys," I emphasize the importance of understanding one's values. For me, equality is paramount. It shapes how I view the world and has influenced every step of my career.
I grew up in Michigan and attended the University of Michigan, majoring in community relations and minoring in sociology. At that time, I planned to work in an equity-focused non-profit or local government. However, an internship in India during my junior year made me question the underlying motives and inherent challenges within non-profit work. It was a pivotal experience for me. After graduating, I took a little detour from what I planned would be my next career/academic step and moved to South Korea to teach English—I needed to figure out how I saw myself working in a role that would allow me to help and work with others, as well as tied into my personal value(s). I settled on teaching abroad because I felt it could be a great option for me, and I’ve always been very driven to experiencing new cultures. So it was win-win for me.
In S. Korea, I was fortunate to be given substantial responsibility, largely due to my boss, the only woman in the Department of Education who, I believe, saw me as an ally as well as someone who could help her advance her own career. She made me one of only five people nationwide tasked with developing a new program, English Town. I developed the program from the ground up, including curriculum, design, logistics, etc. Two years later, my program was rated the best, and it was replicated across the country. My curriculum was published in teacher and student versions, and I wrote various chapters for college-level English education textbooks. Also, oddly, I also became the female voice for the national oral English exams (last I heard, my recordings are still being played twice per year in all classrooms).
This experience solidified my desire to work in education, but I knew that I didn't want to be a classroom teacher. I returned to the U.S. and pursued a Master's in Education at the University of Colorado. Towards the end of my program, I began working as a college/high school counselor for juvenile inmates, helping them prepare for the GED, ACT, SAT, and college readiness. I love-loved this job; it aligned with my value of equality, as I worked to ensure these students had the same opportunities as their peers. Unfortunately, my boss left after a couple years, and the new guy was an absolute asshole. So I pivot…
To Denver Center for International Studies (a specialized HS through Denver Public Schools), where I guided students through the college application process, prepped ACT, and taught English and a college preparedness course through the community college.
World Awaits
In 2015, my then-fiancé was asked to move to Chile for work. I decided to take my college consulting work online, with a focus on international students. I feel this decision largely stemmed from my commitment to equality as well—I knew that while U.S. students had (varied) support in college admissions, international students often did not. I had a bit of a base in this area through connections (S. America and Georgia), but I also recognized the need to give myself other avenues for clients. Knowing how many students from China study in the US, I decided to target it. Now, about 50% of my clients are Chinese, and the rest are American, Georgian.
Over the years, I've guided students through applications to a wide range of schools, from Ivy League universities to community colleges. I particularly enjoy working on transfer applications because it’s nice to give students a second chance. Plus those students tend to be more mature and focused on what they want, which makes for stronger relationships with them and stronger apps.
Fun Facts
MBTI: I am an ENTJ.
Books: My favorite book is The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. I read it during my time in India, a pivotal moment in my life, and it’s forever tied to that experience. My husband even gave me a signed copy as part of his marriage proposal. Perhaps interestingly (?) I often reference it during object-based brainstorming sessions with my students.
Cooking: I like to kick my family out of the kitchen, listen to jazz music, and drink red wine while I cook. It’s meditative.
Halloween: I host a Halloween party every year. I am already planning this year's, and, in fact, should have some decorations coming today from Amazon. This year’s theme is The Shining. My husband thinks I’m crazy for this.
Feedback: Clients often tell me that I give them confidence. Something I frequently see from my Chinese clients is a lack of self-assurance—despite their skills, interests, unique perspectives. I enjoy helping them recognize their strengths and build their confidence. I’m also very available and genuinely invested in their lives. They’re not just clients to me; I truly want to see them succeed and will do whatever I can to help them get there. Learning about their results, scholarships, opportunities, etc. after the college admissions process is through is the best.
PivotU 的校友们如是说
我们没有国际高中的经历,申请美国大学方面的资源很匮乏。很庆幸我们认识了 Lii 以及各位其他老师,没有老师们的帮助不可能写出这么有力量、生动的文书;更重要的是,从你们身上学习到的专业精神、拼搏精神,这才是最大的帮助。
Laura 及其家长
2022 上海大学 -> 波士顿学院
尤其感谢 Lii 在申请时的帮助,虽然有时候比较严厉,但是她陆本美本的双重视角还是很好地帮助了我这个小白打下这一场硬战,特别是文书和活动,个性面板真的超有帮助,不怕没东西写进我的故事,我现在还在用哈哈哈。转来一个月,感觉跟国内的本科很不一样,每天都很充实,感觉很开心也很值得~
Shirley Chen
2022 南京工业大学 -> 密歇根大学安娜堡分校
真的很谢谢 Lii,虽然每一位老师都帮助了我很多很多,但我觉得 Lii 是对我影响最大的一个老师。一开始我的个性面板上堆满了负面的东西,然后经过了两个月,和心理导师、职业导师一起探索自我,我觉得属于我的目标越来越清晰,我也越来越积极乐观了!!
Maria Wu
2023 浙江传媒学院 -> 范德堡大学
谢谢几位老师一路引领着我。去到美国参加暑期学校,参观顶尖大学,半年来成长飞速,用 Lii 的话来说就是“暴风成长”,做了很多同级同学没有的体验。每次和老师们结束会议之后总会感到信心满满,这个过程本身就已经收获满满了!
Chole Wang
2024 苏州大学 -> 南加州大学
Navigating the admissions process is definitely stressful, but Kimberly made it much easier. she was also incredibly supportive throughout the process, always checking in on me and making sure I was on schedule. She was always available to meet with me when I needed it and helpful with my questions.
Benjamin Fan
2024 北京理工大学 -> 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校
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PIvotU © 2024. Designed by Lii 🍐
Pivot to A Better U
PIvotU © 2024. Designed by Lii 🍐